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LUOTO Kletterbogen

(101 Kundenbewertungen)

LUOTO Kletterbogen

(101 Kundenbewertungen)

Ab: 399,00 


Der LUOTO Kletterbogen ist ein multifunktionales Kindermöbel. Er wurde entwickelt, um aktives Spielen und die vielfältige Entwicklung von Motorik, Koordination, Gleichgewicht und Kraft zu fördern. Klettern erfüllt das natürliche Bedürfnis von Kindern, neue Dinge zu lernen, und das Klettern ist eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, körperlich aktiv zu werden und das Selbstvertrauen der Kinder zu stärken.

Wie bereits erwähnt, hat der LUOTO neben dem Klettern noch viele andere Funktionen. Er kann als Wippe, Spielburg, playgym, Tor, Kindertisch, Spielzeugaufbewahrung oder als Beistelltisch verwendet werden!

Umgedreht dient der LUOTO Kletterbogen als Wippe. Die Wippe sollte nur mit dem KAURA Kissen verwendet werden, was die Nutzung des Bogens als Schaukel sicherer und komfortabler macht.

Neben der Funktion als Kletterbogen in seiner ursprünglichen Bogenposition kann LUOTO auch als Spielburg, Tor oder als Playgym verwendet werden. Decken Sie ihn mit einer Decke ab und legen Sie ein Kissen (wie KAURA) darunter, um ihn in eine Spielburg zu verwandeln, oder hängen Sie sensorische Reize an einige der oberen Sprossen, um ihn in ein Playgym zu verwandeln. In seiner gewölbten Position eignet sich LUOTO auch als perfektes Indoor-Fußballtor oder als Tor für so ziemlich jeden Spaß und jedes Spiel, das sich die Kinder ausdenken!

Wird der Kletterbogen auf die Seite gedreht, so dass die Rückwand des Bogens nach oben zeigt, kann er auch als Tisch verwendet werden. Stellen Sie ihn an die Wand, um ihn als Beistelltisch zu verwenden, oder kombinieren Sie ihn mit einem kleinen Hocker, um ihn als Kindertisch zum Malen, Basteln und Spielen zu nutzen.

Wenn Sie den Bogen auf die Seite drehen, so dass die Rückwand zum Boden zeigt, und ihn gegen eine Wand (oder einen anderen LUOTO Bogen) schieben, wird er zu einer Spielzeugablage. Ideal für große Kuscheltiere oder für Kissen und Decken!

Der Altersbereich für die Nutzung des Kletterbogens liegt bei 2–9 Jahren.
Kinder unter 2 Jahren können das Produkt als Playgym ohne das Kissen oder stehende Unterstützung unter direkter Aufsicht eines Erwachsenen verwenden.

Als Beistelltisch eignet sich der LUOTO für Kinder und Erwachsene jeden Alters!

Das Gestell des LUOTO Kletterbogens ist aus Birken-Sperrholz aus nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft, die Sprossen sind aus Espe aus nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft. Das KAURA Kissen besteht aus 100 % recyceltem Stoff (87 % recycelte Baumwolle und 13 % recycelter Polyester – Standard 100 von Öko-tex) und ist mit 60 % recycelter Polyester und 40 % Schaumstoff Chips (kann einzelne Daunen enthalten).

Detaillierte Informationen und Maße des Kletterbogens und des Kissens finden Sie unter “Zusätzliche Informationen”.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Birkenfarbe des LUOTO Kletterbogens mit durchscheinendem Wachs behandelt wurde, um den natürlichen hellen Ton des Birkenholzes zu verstärken.

Das KAURA Kissen ist derzeit in einer sandfarbenen Variante erhältlich.

Die LUOTO Kletterbögen werden in Finnland entworfen und in der EU hergestellt. Patentiertes Originaldesign. Die KAURA Kissen werden in Finnland entworfen und hergestellt. Beide wurden entwickelt, um einen aktiven Lebensstil zu unterstützen, ohne Kompromisse beim Design oder bei der Nachhaltigkeit einzugehen.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass ein leichtes Biegen die Gelenke des Kletterbogens schont, wenn er oft benutzt wird. Verwenden Sie den Kletterbogen auf einer rutschfesten Unterlage. Kleine Kinder sollten den Kletterbogen nur unter Aufsicht von Erwachsenen benutzen.

Das KAURA Kissen kann bei 40°C im Schonwaschgang gewaschen werden.

Eine ausführliche Anleitung für den Aufbau und die sichere Benutzung des Kletterbogens finden Sie in der Gebrauchsanweisung.


  • Zum Schutz und zur Sicherheit den Kletterbogen auf einem Teppich verwenden. Dies verhindert Kratzer am Produkt und am Boden und polstert gegen mögliche Finger- und Zehenverletzungen beim Spielen.
  • Den Kletterbogen in einer geräumigen Umgebung verwenden, um sicherzustellen, dass genügend Platz um das Produkt herum ist, um Kollisionen oder Unfälle zu vermeiden und die Sicherheit der Bewegung zu gewährleisten.
  • Nicht in einem Kinderbett oder Bett verwenden. Erstickungsgefahr.
  • Achten Sie auf das Risiko offener Feuer und anderer Quellen starker Hitze in der Nähe des Produkts.
  • Das Produkt mit rutschfesten Socken verwenden.
  • Dieses Produkt NICHT in der Nähe eines Fensters platzieren, da es vom Kind als Tritt benutzt werden kann und das Kind aus dem Fenster fallen könnte.
  • Dieses Produkt NICHT in der Nähe eines Fensters platzieren, wo Schnüre von Jalousien oder Vorhängen ein Kind erwürgen könnten.
  • Das Kissen ist nur zur Verwendung in der Schaukel vorgesehen. Das Kissen sollte nicht zum Schlafen verwendet werden.
  • Nur für den Hausgebrauch.
  • Sollte unter direkter Aufsicht eines Erwachsenen verwendet werden.
  • Bei der Verwendung des Produkts besteht die Gefahr, zwischen oder von dem Kletterbogen zu fallen.
  • Bei der Verwendung des Produkts als Schaukelspielzeug besteht die Gefahr des Quetschens.




Gewicht 11 kg
Maße 103 × 55 × 8 cm

10 kg


100 cm


60 cm


54 cm


60 kg


Kletterbogen: Birkensperrholz, Espe

Kissen: 100 % recyceltem Stoff (87 % recycelte Baumwolle und 13 % recycelter Polyester – Standard 100 von Öko-tex)
60 % recycelter Polyester und 40 % Schaumstoff Chips (kann einzelne Daunen enthalten).


Er hat eine zweijährige Garantie für den privaten Gebrauch.


101 reviews for LUOTO Kletterbogen

  1. Kelli

    I love this product! My grandkids love it. It is well build. The shop was great with communication and it was shipped very quickly.

  2. Stephanie

    This item is beautiful, I wanted to wait until I used it to post a review. I recommend without hesitation, our 1 year old daughter loves it.

  3. Alena

    Absolutely amazing thing! Multifunctional, stylish, great quality

  4. Jessica

    The entire experience was a lovely pleasant one and we love our product. The only complaint I have is it wasn’t the easiest the put together alone. Everything fit snuggly and my husband had to finish screw on the legs as I couldn’t screw them in, by myself. Which was a little annoying.

  5. Elle

    This seller was excellent in communicating. Would purchase from this shop again. Product is beautiful and functional.

  6. Raphaelle

    Super product, so glad I got it for my kid 😊

  7. Erin

    Love the item, it’s gorgeous and high quality. Only issue is it required an unusual shaped tool to assemble. I wish it was a standard allen key or Phillips head screw, or that there was the right tool included in the package

  8. Dee

    Absolutely amazing customer service and love it.

  9. Justina

    Color is great, can tell it’s really sturdy and great quality. Wish the fabric came in something v other than polyester and there is a big dent in the top of our wood that would work as the table, which I’m not thrilled about given the price, but aside from that, looks good.

  10. Lauren

    This is such a great addition to our home – we don’t have a lot of space in our apt and our 1 year old gets so excited when we get the slide out. And it’s clear he will just get more and more out of it as he grows. It’s been to have out too when friends with older kids come over too. Love it!

  11. AnnaEmmi

    Simply stunning, quality is kept high here. I’m as happy about it as a little child myself. & the fact that the screws are gold and not silver to match the wood tone is a nicety that I really appreciate. Thanks!

  12. charlotte

    Fantastic product, swift delivery and great communication

  13. Ernesa

    Very happy with it, delivery was quick

  14. dsbreen

    This versatile piece is sturdy and beautiful

  15. Amelia

    We absolutely love this item, our daughter loves to climb all over it. The quality is amazing and we know it will last us a long time. The diversity of the product and all the ways you can use it, keeps our daughter entertained.

  16. Alexa

    Beautiful climbing arch! The cushion is very soft and full. Very well made and sturdy!

  17. Naomi Aldred

    Amazing quality, brilliant delivery service… my daughter loves playing with the fitwood items! Thank you!

  18. Natalya

    Very fast delivery, excellent quality and easy to assemble. Our little one is excited to play with rocker and slide every day. Thank you so much, Joel!

  19. Natalya

    Very fast delivery, excellent quality and easy to assemble. Our little one is excited to play with rocker and slide every day. Thank you so much, Joel!

  20. Mindi

    Bought this for my granddaughter’s first birthday present! It’s something she can use know and grow into! Such great quality and came a lot faster than I expected!!

  21. Mindi

    Bought this for my granddaughter’s first birthday present! It’s something she can use know and grow into! Such great quality and came a lot faster than I expected!!

  22. Michelle

    Beautiful craftsmanship, quality of materials and very sturdy! The customer service was impeccable. My baby loves this product, and having the backing. The other note is that the backing on the arch makes it safer, as well as a table flipped over. My baby’s favorite part is that it can be flipped so it’s like a baby hideout fort!

  23. Michelle

    Beautiful craftsmanship, quality of materials and very sturdy! The customer service was impeccable. My baby loves this product, and having the backing. The other note is that the backing on the arch makes it safer, as well as a table flipped over. My baby’s favorite part is that it can be flipped so it’s like a baby hideout fort!

  24. Jessica

    Top notch craftsmanship & customer service! Super easy to put together (took one person 15 minutes), the cushion is the perfect color…best of all 20 minutes after it’s arrival our little one was already snuggled up reading a book rocking away! Thanks so much! Oh yeah and shipping was super super fast!

  25. Jessica

    Top notch craftsmanship & customer service! Super easy to put together (took one person 15 minutes), the cushion is the perfect color…best of all 20 minutes after it’s arrival our little one was already snuggled up reading a book rocking away! Thanks so much! Oh yeah and shipping was super super fast!

  26. Sarah

    Incredibly fast delivery, Joel is really nice and the quality of the wipe is great, the cushion is soooo comfortable, we love it, we would definitly buy it again 🙂

  27. Sarah

    Incredibly fast delivery, Joel is really nice and the quality of the wipe is great, the cushion is soooo comfortable, we love it, we would definitly buy it again 🙂

  28. Kristi

    We absolutely love and our granddaughter plays with it 80% our her time! If she’s not actively playing on it, she’s sitting on it looking at books. We currently have it turned upside down with the slide on one end. She’s just turned 2 and we feel this is an investment that will grow with her as she advances. It’s so versatile and the quality is superb!! It’s also very attractive so you don’t mind it being in a living room. We couldn’t be happier with our purchase!!!😁👍

  29. Kristi

    We absolutely love and our granddaughter plays with it 80% our her time! If she’s not actively playing on it, she’s sitting on it looking at books. We currently have it turned upside down with the slide on one end. She’s just turned 2 and we feel this is an investment that will grow with her as she advances. It’s so versatile and the quality is superb!! It’s also very attractive so you don’t mind it being in a living room. We couldn’t be happier with our purchase!!!😁👍

  30. Claudia

    So easy to put together. Both my kids love it. It arrived on time for christmas.

  31. Claudia

    So easy to put together. Both my kids love it. It arrived on time for christmas.

  32. Candi

    Words cannot express how much we love the rocker, cushion and ramp ! We ordered two sets. Great customer service and communication, delivery was quick and the product is incredible! Assembly was quick and easy, very detailed instruction booklet. Hands down my favorite purchase, so beautifully made , you can tell that time and love go into each piece! Looking forward to many years of use!

  33. Candi

    Words cannot express how much we love the rocker, cushion and ramp ! We ordered two sets. Great customer service and communication, delivery was quick and the product is incredible! Assembly was quick and easy, very detailed instruction booklet. Hands down my favorite purchase, so beautifully made , you can tell that time and love go into each piece! Looking forward to many years of use!

  34. Andrea

    Overall, happy with the product. Wish the cushion was a bit thicker for the rocker but not sure it would work as well if it was. More cushion color options wouldve been nice. My kiddos love the rocker, slide & ladder board. No socks on for young kiddos. My kids are on the ladder board and slide everyday, the rocker is in their room and they read on it. We have not flipped it yet.

  35. Andrea

    Overall, happy with the product. Wish the cushion was a bit thicker for the rocker but not sure it would work as well if it was. More cushion color options wouldve been nice. My kiddos love the rocker, slide & ladder board. No socks on for young kiddos. My kids are on the ladder board and slide everyday, the rocker is in their room and they read on it. We have not flipped it yet.

  36. Larissa

    Great quality and super fast shipping, it took less than a week to arrive overseas! I’m sure kids will looove it!

  37. Larissa

    Great quality and super fast shipping, it took less than a week to arrive overseas! I’m sure kids will looove it!

  38. Dexter

    Great product and customer service! The rocker is really solid and well made. My son loves it. The ramp came in with some delivery damage. The seller sent us a new one right away. Highly recommended!

  39. Dexter

    Great product and customer service! The rocker is really solid and well made. My son loves it. The ramp came in with some delivery damage. The seller sent us a new one right away. Highly recommended!

  40. Susann

    Total verliebt! Die Qualität ist super, alles massiv und stabil. Das Aufbauen war total easy. Auch das Kissen gefällt mir sehr gut.

  41. mlippy27

    Amazing! Super easy to put together, has perfect wood, solid build. The cushion is so well-made and super fluffy! Highly recommend!

  42. mlippy27

    Amazing! Super easy to put together, has perfect wood, solid build. The cushion is so well-made and super fluffy! Highly recommend!

  43. Apple

    Meiner Tochter liebt es drauf zu klettern und zu rutschen

  44. Ke

    The item is beautiful and shipping is surprisingly fast! Assembly is straightforward enough, my son loves it!

  45. Ke

    The item is beautiful and shipping is surprisingly fast! Assembly is straightforward enough, my son loves it!

  46. Kathleen

    Exactly what I was looking for. The shipping was very fast and the piece is sturdy and looks like it will last a long time which is perfect since this will grow and develop with my son.

  47. Kathleen

    Exactly what I was looking for. The shipping was very fast and the piece is sturdy and looks like it will last a long time which is perfect since this will grow and develop with my son.

  48. Lisa

    I’m so happy we went for this brand, the quality and the design are amazing. And it’s easy to put together.

  49. Lisa

    I’m so happy we went for this brand, the quality and the design are amazing. And it’s easy to put together.

  50. alyssaville

    This piece is so cute and well made! My daughter ( 4 years old) immediately flipped it over and started climbing on it and then directly after made herself an epic fort underneath with all her stuffed animals! A win for sure! It was super easy to assemble, just a few screws, but you do need a special star shaped Allen wrench. Shipping was also super fast, we got the rocker in about 5 days and the cushion arrived separately a few days after. I did not realize the cushion was shipping separately so I contacted the seller who responded right away to me, then I was a bit embarrassed because the same day I reached out the cushion arrived in the mail. So keep in mind if you get the cushion, it will ship separately, so have no fear!

  51. alyssaville

    This piece is so cute and well made! My daughter ( 4 years old) immediately flipped it over and started climbing on it and then directly after made herself an epic fort underneath with all her stuffed animals! A win for sure! It was super easy to assemble, just a few screws, but you do need a special star shaped Allen wrench. Shipping was also super fast, we got the rocker in about 5 days and the cushion arrived separately a few days after. I did not realize the cushion was shipping separately so I contacted the seller who responded right away to me, then I was a bit embarrassed because the same day I reached out the cushion arrived in the mail. So keep in mind if you get the cushion, it will ship separately, so have no fear!

  52. travisbix

    This is a winner with the kids.

  53. travisbix

    This is a winner with the kids.

  54. Katrin

    Die Qualität ist hervorragend, tolles Holz, gute Verarbeitung. Ich gehe davon aus, dass die Langlebigkeit auch gut ist, kann dazu aber noch nichts sagen, da ich den Artikel erst vor zwei Wochen erworben habe.

  55. Ewa

    We are very happy with the Climbing Arch. The quality and attention to details are exquisite. The arch was easy to build (even my boys had fun helping out). It looks sturdy and reliable. we ordered it with a cushion, which again did not disappoint. Just perfect. We are super impressed with the design, which will transition well from a rocking bed for a newborn, climbing arch for a toddler, to a desk when things settle 😉 Love it and recommend.

  56. Ewa

    We are very happy with the Climbing Arch. The quality and attention to details are exquisite. The arch was easy to build (even my boys had fun helping out). It looks sturdy and reliable. we ordered it with a cushion, which again did not disappoint. Just perfect. We are super impressed with the design, which will transition well from a rocking bed for a newborn, climbing arch for a toddler, to a desk when things settle 😉 Love it and recommend.

  57. Elise

    The article completely corresponds to the description of the ad. The wood is very beautiful. The arch is easy to mount. The cushion is as soft as it appears in the photos. We had fears about the delivery but it was done quickly and with a good follow-up. However, we have not been informed of the day of delivery. Fortunately we were present. We are very satisfied with our purchase, which already delights baby.

  58. Elise

    The article completely corresponds to the description of the ad. The wood is very beautiful. The arch is easy to mount. The cushion is as soft as it appears in the photos. We had fears about the delivery but it was done quickly and with a good follow-up. However, we have not been informed of the day of delivery. Fortunately we were present. We are very satisfied with our purchase, which already delights baby.

  59. Prémila

    Super! My daughter loves it!

  60. Prémila

    Super! My daughter loves it!

  61. Minjun

    This rocker is amazing! We love the design and great quality!! It’s perfect for my little guy!!

  62. Minjun

    This rocker is amazing! We love the design and great quality!! It’s perfect for my little guy!!

  63. Alis

    Great quality and super easy to assemble. Shipped fast and looks just like the photos. Gorgeous.

  64. Alis

    Great quality and super easy to assemble. Shipped fast and looks just like the photos. Gorgeous.

  65. Jorden

    beautiful! my kids love it!

  66. Jorden

    beautiful! my kids love it!

  67. sejarvis522

    This rocker is well made and easy to assemble. My kids helped assemble by handing me the rods and twisting them on. Then they played with box while I finished up. They love using it in their imaginary play. It’s been a pirate ship, a secret fort, and a lemonade stand…

  68. sejarvis522

    This rocker is well made and easy to assemble. My kids helped assemble by handing me the rods and twisting them on. Then they played with box while I finished up. They love using it in their imaginary play. It’s been a pirate ship, a secret fort, and a lemonade stand…

  69. rajatsingh24k

    Either we lost one screw or it didn’t come with it. Either way the product is solid. Pretty unique. If you an adult you might not find this comfortable to sit in but seems pretty good for kids. My son is 17 months old and I just keep an eye on him when he’s playing on this! When he’s using it as a ‘rocker’ I watch his feet because I’m always worried they get crushed under the frame when rocking. So far, even though his foot would be at the edge the size of this thing prevents that from happening. I would still not leave my son with it but while in the same room, watching while he’s playing, this thing is OK. It feels it would be more fun for him when he’s a little older but I’m glad I bought it. For anyone who cares, the cushion is nice but not firm. So maybe use a rubber pad under to cushion it better. Still 5 stars

  70. rajatsingh24k

    Either we lost one screw or it didn’t come with it. Either way the product is solid. Pretty unique. If you an adult you might not find this comfortable to sit in but seems pretty good for kids. My son is 17 months old and I just keep an eye on him when he’s playing on this! When he’s using it as a ‘rocker’ I watch his feet because I’m always worried they get crushed under the frame when rocking. So far, even though his foot would be at the edge the size of this thing prevents that from happening. I would still not leave my son with it but while in the same room, watching while he’s playing, this thing is OK. It feels it would be more fun for him when he’s a little older but I’m glad I bought it. For anyone who cares, the cushion is nice but not firm. So maybe use a rubber pad under to cushion it better. Still 5 stars

  71. Nicole

    Simply great quality optics haptics and was very well received!

  72. Nicole

    Simply great quality optics haptics and was very well received!

  73. Jasmine

    I’m so happy with this purchase! I got this for my daughter who is currently 5 months old and I use it as storage for all of her stuffed animals as shown in one of the model pictures and it’s so cute! I can’t wait for when she’s older and can use this in every way shown, the possibilities are endless! Everything is really sturdy, the quality is amazing, the wood is beautiful and shipping was really fast considering how far it came, thank you so much 😊

  74. Jasmine

    I’m so happy with this purchase! I got this for my daughter who is currently 5 months old and I use it as storage for all of her stuffed animals as shown in one of the model pictures and it’s so cute! I can’t wait for when she’s older and can use this in every way shown, the possibilities are endless! Everything is really sturdy, the quality is amazing, the wood is beautiful and shipping was really fast considering how far it came, thank you so much 😊

  75. Leah

    Loved it. It was really well made!

  76. Leah

    Loved it. It was really well made!

  77. valcurro

    Beautifully made, arrived as expected and matched description and picture. Nice piece of furniture, would highly recommend.

  78. valcurro

    Beautifully made, arrived as expected and matched description and picture. Nice piece of furniture, would highly recommend.

  79. Ani

    Sehr gute Qualität, ansprechendes Design und Erwartungen vollends erfüllt. Kaufempfehlung.

  80. Anna

    Sehr stabil und tolle Verarbeitung

  81. Tiffany Brothers

    Exactly how it’s presented in photos! Our kids love it

  82. Tiffany Brothers

    Exactly how it’s presented in photos! Our kids love it

  83. fedrigo

    We are very pleased, this product is high quality, easy to assemble and delivery was quick. Our daughter is 8 months and the rungs are perfect for her little hands to grasp and stand. We only wish we had got it sooner! Highly recommend!

  84. fedrigo

    We are very pleased, this product is high quality, easy to assemble and delivery was quick. Our daughter is 8 months and the rungs are perfect for her little hands to grasp and stand. We only wish we had got it sooner! Highly recommend!

  85. Tess

    This is great quality!! So easy to put together and my daughter (11m) loves it so much and will love it for years to come.

  86. Tess

    This is great quality!! So easy to put together and my daughter (11m) loves it so much and will love it for years to come.

  87. Stacey Grahl

    amazing . my son has autism and loves this rocker. the cushion is very soft and u can not feel the pegs when sitting on it. very happy with this

  88. Stacey Grahl

    amazing . my son has autism and loves this rocker. the cushion is very soft and u can not feel the pegs when sitting on it. very happy with this

  89. Vreni

    Die Schaukel ist wunderschön und kam als Geburtsgeschenk sehr gut an.
    Die Lieferung erfolgte superschnell.
    Gerne wieder!

  90. ngaubys

    Wonderful and great quality 🤩

  91. ngaubys

    Wonderful and great quality 🤩

  92. Tracy

    This rocker was of high quality. Very well made from quality materials. It matches the description and all of our expectations. My granddaughter loves it!

  93. Tracy

    This rocker was of high quality. Very well made from quality materials. It matches the description and all of our expectations. My granddaughter loves it!

  94. Katie

    Beautifully made! The kids love it!

  95. Katie

    Beautifully made! The kids love it!

  96. Jan Gumpler

    The climbing arch is made flawlessly, with high quality and precise woodworking, the product is clearly made for long-term use. A versatile product with excellent price-quality ratio.

  97. Jan Gumpler

    The climbing arch is made flawlessly, with high quality and precise woodworking, the product is clearly made for long-term use. A versatile product with excellent price-quality ratio.

  98. Daniel

    I love the versatility and beautiful design!

  99. Daniel

    I love the versatility and beautiful design!

  100. Sophie

    Our 5-year-old really enjoys the climbing arch. The versatility of the product is absolutely amazing and because it can be used in so many different ways, I’m sure it will last long in this household, even when our child grows up. The arch is also beautiful and fits into our home nicely.

  101. Sophie

    Our 5-year-old really enjoys the climbing arch. The versatility of the product is absolutely amazing and because it can be used in so many different ways, I’m sure it will last long in this household, even when our child grows up. The arch is also beautiful and fits into our home nicely.

Nur angemeldete Kunden, die dieses Produkt gekauft haben, dürfen eine Bewertung abgeben.